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Medallas personalizadas: Cómo iniciar un negocio con medallas personalizadas


Being appreciated is a booster for anyone and everyone. Often companies and event management appreciate their employees and attendees by presenting them with Custom Award Medals. Through generations, the receivers cherish these Custom Awards, especially when presented for extraordinary skills. That is why Custom Medals are especially presented at the end of sporting events, art events, and other competitions.  This is why these Custom Medals and Custom Medallions are so in demand now that starting a business to customize these is profitable. If you make quality medals, you will be able to attract more customers because of a good reputation.

Medalla de PVC
Medalla de cristal
medalla de taekwondo

Custom Award Medals Have a Large Market Demand

In this growingly competitive world, Custom medals are awarded to keep the spirits high everywhere. But the search for good quality Custom Medal providers is easy, so if you can provide a quality service, there is a huge demand for a Custom Award Medal Company.

Personal customers require Custom Award Medals.

Medals are mementos to mark achievements. It doesn’t matter who awards them; this is why sometimes people get medals made to remember certain events or to mark some accomplishment in the absence of an official acknowledgment. Then some customers like to award their staff in the form of awards. These many people are called personal customers. They will not order in bulk, but you will be surprised how people like to keep mementos for their or their loved one’s accomplishments in the form of custom medals.

Medals distributors need Custom Award Medals.

People who want to award medals approach the distributors. These are the people who keep samples of the medals required and take them in order. They, however, do not get the medals made. These distributors are generally in connection with shops. Most sports shops and stationery shops have custom medal distributors. If you are in contact with any such distributor, they will then bring in the orders. Small sports stadiums often hold sporting events at the end of which they distribute custom medals and medallions. They often contact a sports shop. Then offices also distribute medals for participation or good performance during a project; they contact the stationary shops for medals. The medal distributors take orders from these shops and deliver medals to them.

Sports organizers need Custom Award Medals.

The tradition of custom medals started with the awarding of these medals to high achievers in sports. This was an acknowledgment of their achievement. It is an accepted fact that all sportsmen are awarded medals, whether for winning or participation. In China alone, it is estimated that 44% of the population is involved in sports somehow or the other. So, the number of custom medals required in the sports world alone is huge in itself.

Schools need Custom Award Medals.

Nowadays, schools also award their high performers with custom medals. These custom medals are in academics, for some in sports, and for a lot of them, it is a recognition for participation in some activity. China is recognized as having the largest school system in the world. With over 514000 schools across China, there are 2260 million students who need to be recognized and appreciated for their contributions. Custom Medals are in huge demand in this field. The market for custom medals can bloom if you serve dedicatedly to schools only.

How much does it cost to start a Custom Award Medals business?

The costs of medals differ due to different circumstances. For instance, the cost of material is often different in different places. This can lead to a change in price for the medals. However, the cost of starting a Custom Award Medal Business is not so high. You can start this business in less than US $ 5000. All that you require initially are model medals and some raw material. You can add on as the business prospers. A lot depends upon how many offers you receive. If it is less, you can use the ready-made molds; if the order is big, you can go in for the custom medals.

Establish Your Business Plan-Make First-Phase Preparations

For every business to be successful, the business owner must do his homework. This means doing some research into the prospects of the business by observing the existing ones and analyzing his resources. Any prospective business owner should make a step-by-step plan for his business to simplify the establishment of the venture. Here is a simple 8 step plan for anyone looking to start a business in custom award medals.

Capital Costs 

Whenever you start a business, you require some material to set you up. In this business, you need to have some raw material, sample custom medals, sample custom medallions, sample trophies, and other things before entering the market. Make sure you have the capital to cover these initial costs.

Budget and Cash Flow 

After you have done your analysis and set aside your capital costs, the next step is to set up your budget and work upon your cash flow. Working upon your finances is always the first and foremost step. Once this is settled, you can move on to other issues.

Brand Identity 

The next most important step, after finances, is to decide how you want your customer to see you. Setting up your brand identity is a tricky business and requires a thorough thought process. You need to decide upon the logo, design, and color such that it states your perspective. Be sure to design your social media graphics such that it defines your image clearly.

Form a legal entity 

It is extremely important to register your business concern, no matter how big or small it is. It is best to form a legal entity. The people’s Republic of China has a civil law system that defines its entities. The most common of these is the LLC. People prefer this entity because of its numerous advantages.  It comes with limited liability, but it protects the owners’ assets if you get engaged in liability concerns like a lawsuit.

Become tax compliant 

Becoming tax compliant is the basic business ethic in any country. A good businessman ensures that he meets all the legal requirements, files his tax returns, and pays his tax liabilities. It is an obligation to your country to become tax compliant.

Embrace Regulatory Compliance 

There are rules for businesses that the government has set. As responsible citizens, we must follow these rules. By embracing regulatory compliance, you agree to follow the state, federal and international laws set by the government relevant to your business.

Access suitable Insurance options.

When you start a business, firstly, you should comply with the rules set by the government. Your next responsibility is towards yourself. Find out the suitable insurances for yourself and access one that is suitable for you and your business.

Brand your business

Branding your business ensures that you distinguish yourself from your competitors. Proper branding is important because it allows your clients a glimpse into your products, and a positive impression can ensure good orders. The benefits of proper branding are numerous. Enhanced credibility, customer recognition, and word-of-mouth publicity are just a few.

How to promote your brand to get more orders.

There are certain steps when you set up a new business. The first and foremost is, of course, to build up an action plan. Next comes settling the finances. After that, it is all about promoting and advertising your products using the correct media medium at the right time. If you advertise your products properly, the word will reach the right ears and hence generate orders. Below we have outlined a few simple steps that would help to publicize your business properly and send out a positive word. Hopefully, it will help in promoting your brand to get more orders.

You need an international website that contains all the products you want to promote.

An online presence makes all the difference. An international website will spread your reach. Get proper content incorporated. This is extremely important, and an international website is also a part of brand identity. Content writing is extremely important for an international website. The content should include a list of all your products along with the details about your products. For example, when you upload a list of custom medals, make sure their details, meaning, the material used, the imaging, everything is listed down. Make the website attractive and interactive to attract consumers. Your website will show the customers your dedication to your projects.

Let more people know that we do Custom Award business through advertising.

An online presence ensures that the customer can see what he is being offered, but before that, the customer must get to know about your presence. Throw in advertisements for your Customer Awards Business. Advertising is the most effective when it is done at the right time at the right place. For example, more people in a sports shop have interest in medals than people in an eatery. Being at the right place at the right time is important. Advertisements can be online as well, as these days, people rely more on devices than on anything else.

Make a catalog of your products.

Making a catalog is a productive idea. It gives a clear and visual view of all your products. You can leave these catalogs at places that attract potential customers, like a stationery shop. You can drop these catalogs at corporate businesses, which often award their employees with custom medals. Again, taking care to drop these catalogs at the right place is important. Also, be sure that your products are covered illustriously in the catalogs.

Participate in outdoor sports events to learn more about sports  

Custom medals are widely used at sports events now. Sports events are widely held at schools, corporate places, and stadiums. Attend all these. You will learn what sorts of custom awards and medallions are used at these events. Also, if you take your catalogs along, you will make your presence known amongst the right people.

Where are the customers, how do you find them?

When you are advertising, there is one simple rule. Be at the right place at the right time. That is how you find customers. Recognizing the customers will tell you where they are, and understanding their needs will tell you where to find them. Custom Medals are used as awards. Therefore, be aware of events so that you can meet the potential clients, the awarding committee/ organizing group, beforehand for the orders. Here is a list of who might be your potential clients.

Sports event

Custom Medals are used the most during Sports Events. Every year, sport stadiums, training centers and various institutes hold athletic meets for various competitions. For each category, we have three medals. So, the scope of Medal business is much greater for sports than in any other field.

The schools

Schools hold a lot of events during an academic year. They have the sports meet where they give Custom Medals as a sign of recognizing the skills. There are also orientations and graduation ceremonies. Again, medals are awarded in acknowledgment of their achievements throughout their academic year. More medals are awarded for special achievements. Hence schools are a big market for awards.

Training courses

There are a lot of smaller training programs where special skills are taught, and potential artists are trained in specific fields. These include dancing, acting, painting, martial arts, and a lot more. These training schools also hold their annual award ceremonies, where custom medals are distributed to recognize their skills. This is a relatively smaller market as compared to schools, but they prove to be potential clients.

Companies and Corporate clients

Hoy en día, las grandes empresas celebran actos corporativos a distintos niveles. Celebran estos eventos trimestralmente. En estos eventos, estas empresas premian a sus empleados y reconocen sus servicios con Medallas Personalizadas y medallones. Anualmente celebran eventos en los que aprecian una relación laboral positiva con sus clientes. Las medallas se entregan a estos clientes. Por lo tanto, las empresas corporativas también son grandes clientes potenciales. Póngase en contacto con su departamento de gestión de eventos.

Elija un fabricante de medallas de galardón personalizadas para comprar las medallas de galardón personalizadas.

China es uno de los mayores mercados de medallas personalizadas. Los precios y la calidad varían en función del material utilizado. Algunas empresas tienen una gran experiencia en el sector. Sin embargo, debe encontrar un fabricante que le ofrezca medallas personalizadas de gran calidad a un precio razonable. A continuación encontrará un pequeño análisis competitivo de los tipos de medallas personalizadas más comunes.

Los siguientes precios son para medallas de aleación de zinc

Emblema Logo U.S. $ 1.36 (500 piezas)

Made-in-China U.S. $ 0.7 (50 piezas)

Justawardmedals U.S. $ 3.72 (por unidad)

Trophy Depot U.S. $ 0,98 (por unidad)

Medallas China $ 0,43 (500 unidades)

Como se desprende de la encuesta anterior, Medallas China ofrece el premio mínimo. Es el precio más competitivo del mercado en este momento. No sólo el coste de las medallas, Medals China también ofrece personalización al mismo precio. Hay emblemas 3d que usted puede elegir también. Las medallas fabricadas con Medals China son de la mejor calidad, ofrecidas a los precios más competitivos del mercado. Usted puede conseguir premios personalizados en línea a un precio razonable.


Cuando se inicia un negocio, es esencial asegurarse de conocer bien el mercado. Estudie a sus posibles competidores antes de lanzarse. Asegúrate de cubrir bien los aspectos financieros antes de empezar. Registre su empresa y conviértase en contribuyente. Una vez que cumpla sus obligaciones oficiales, podrá dedicarse a ampliar su negocio. Empieza con precios más bajos para atraer clientes. Asegúrese de seguir comprometido con su negocio para establecer una identidad de marca. Esto le ayudará a captar clientes.

Las medallas personalizadas son un sector consolidado, por lo que se enfrentará a mucha competencia cuando se lance. En cuanto a las finanzas, asegúrese de que el coste de capital está bien cubierto. Debe disponer de capital suficiente para superar la fase inicial. Si está legalmente anclado y ha cubierto las finanzas, no hay mucho que le frene. Invierte en publicidad y da a conocer tu presencia a clientes potenciales. Todo ello le ayudará a ampliar gradualmente su negocio. La clave de una buena publicidad es ser consciente de la competencia y estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento oportuno.

La gente utiliza las Medallas Personalizadas como premios en reconocimiento de habilidades y logros. Se guardan como recuerdos. Por tanto, la calidad del producto importa mucho. Si se conservan durante más tiempo, será que su producto ha sobrevivido al paso de los años y ha hecho publicidad. Por lo tanto, entrar en el mercado con un producto de buena calidad a un precio competitivo. Medals Chine ofrece sus servicios a los mejores precios posibles.

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