Spille con smalto duro e spille con smalto morbido

Enamel pins are in trend. Those beautiful little designs are excellent for decoration purposes. People use them on their clothes and bags to express their style. But hard enamel vs. soft enamel pins have been the talk of the town. Both are subtypes of enamel pipes but vary from each other.


Soft enamels are inexpensive, and their counterparts are premium and costly. Some people consider soft enamel a superior option. But is this true? I disagree. However, I won’t just give you a verdict without explaining their differences. So, hold my hand. Let’s jump right in and uncover their standout differences.

Overview of Hard and Soft Enamel Pins


Enamel pins are little decorative pieces with beautiful designs. There are two types: hard and soft enamels. These types differ in terms of their durability, feel, and pricing. Soft enamels are vibrant, textured, and cheap, while enamel pins are smooth but expensive.


Both of these pins fulfill different needs and are suitable for various conditions. Interestingly, their usage is the same, i.e., decoration and expressing one’s style and thoughts. But customers choose them according to their preferences. Sometimes, they need vibrant and bold designs. In such cases, soft enamel pins come in handy.


But this is not what all customers demand. Some people prefer quality and are happy to pay more. Hard enamel pins are suitable for such customers. Their design is smooth and glossy, with excellent finishing. Above all, they are durable and stay in good shape for years. Let’s go down and hash out their differences.

Hard Enamel vs Soft Enamel: Key Differences

As I said, these pins are excellent and offer unique properties. Because of this, people tend to consider one the best because of its favorable features. But I won’t make that mistake. Instead, I will discuss each of their differentiating factors. In the end, you’ll know which one is better. 

1- Production Process

spilla in smalto duro

One key factor that separates them is their production process. Soft enamels require less effort and time to produce. On the other hand, hard enamel pin production is very complex. Few of the initial steps of their production are the same. Let’s discuss how they are produced.

First of all, the design is made using computerized software.


After that, a mold whose shape is precisely similar to the design is produced. This mold is used to design the metal piece. This mold acts like a stamp that puts the design in ink on paper. However, the mold does not just print design; it also makes recessions and raises the edges.


The third step is to put enamels in the recession. In soft enamel pins, the enamels are used in lesser quantities. So, they do not fill the recession and remain slightly below the raised points. The structure of the design looks vibrant and visible as a raised area. But that’s different in hard enamel pins.


The enamels fill the recession in layers. The recession gets filled, and enamels remain level with the raised points. Thus, there is no vibrancy or raised structures. Instead, the whole design is very smooth and equally level. If you put your finger on the design, you won’t notice the raised lines on the surface of the pin.


After enamel filling, both pins undergo baking, but the hard enamel pins are baked multiple times. This gives the design more strength and durability. Finally, painting is done to create beautiful colors. Multiple baking in hard enamel makes the process more complex and time-consuming. The soft enamel pins are based only once.

2- Look and Feel

spilla in smalto duro

The soft enamel pins are very vibrant and bold. If you touch their design, you will feel the raised design. This looks very beautiful from a distance. Its visual presentation is more like a 3D design with raised lines. However, the hard enamel pins are very smooth. If you touch their design, you won’t notice any raised structure.


The question is, why? The enamel in the hard pins fills the recession so that enamels and raised lines remain at the same level. So, when you touch it, you don’t feel any structural difference. Moreover, manufacturers apply additional finishing steps during the hard pin production process. So, these hard enamel pins look glossy and have excellent finishing. 


Quick Highlight: The finishing step is not carried out while manufacturing soft enamel pins. Due to this, those pins are not visually appealing. Although they are vibrant, they lack the smoothness and shine you get in hard pins. 

3- Durability & Longevity


As I said, soft enamel pins have raised lines and designs. Their surface is not smooth, so these raised lines get damaged when the pin scratches against anything. This makes the enamel pin fragile and less durable. But that is not the case with hard enamel pins. They don’t have such raised lines.


Instead, their enamels and enhanced (raised) lines are at the same level. When you touch the surface, you don’t feel vibrant lines. Instead, you feel a smooth surface with excellent design. So, when this pin scratches, the raised lines or design aren’t affected. So, they remain suitable for years, which indicates their durability. 

4- Cost and Pricing


You know which pin is more expensive if you have already read the above-mentioned production process. Of Course, it is hard enamels. The reason is that the production of these pins needs additional steps and multiple baking of designs. The extra finishing process is also carried out, increasing their production cost.


On the flip side, a few steps are involved in producing soft enamel. So, there is no need for multiple baking or finishing processes. So, the cost of production remains on the lower side. So, the soft enamel pins are a cost-effective option with their vibrant design. However, the hard enamel pins are smooth and more durable, which makes them a worth-the-money kind of option.


Pros and Cons of Hard and Soft Enamel Pins

spille in smalto morbido

If you read the above section carefully, you will know their absolute values. Both of these pins offer good and bad points. Because of this, they are suitable for customers with varied preferences. Let’s explore their pros and cons.

Pros of Hard Enamel Pins


  • Smooth surface with no raised lines
  • Excellent finishing with shin and glossy look
  • Durable and can last for years without fading


Cons of Hard Enamels Pins


  • The production process is very complex
  • The cost of these pins is very high
  • The design is not very vibrant and enhanced


Pros of Soft Enamel Pins


  • Inexpensive and excellent value proposition
  • The design looks very vibrant, bold, and sharp
  • The production process is less complex and easy to follow


Cons of Soft Enamel Pins


  • The durability is questionable
  • There is no surface finishing on these pins
  • The design is not very smooth, and raised lines are very prominent 

Frequently Asked Question


Are hard or soft enamel pins better?


Hard enamel pins are better due to their durability. Moreover, their design looks smooth and shiny, giving a premium feeling. Although soft pins are inexpensive, they are not durable, which makes them an ordinary option.


How long do enamel pins last?


It depends on how much care you give. Generally, enamel pins can last for many years. The hard enamel pins are scratch-resistant and can stay in good shape for 5 to 10 years.


Hard vs soft: which pin should I buy?


Well, it’s all about your vibe. However, hard enamels are the better option. You will get better value by spending a lot more. Its durability, glossy finish, and excellent surface smoothness will make you love it.


What are the distinctions between hard enamel and soft enamel medals?


The hard enamels are expensive but smooth and offer a premium feel. The soft enamels are cheap, but their design is very vibrant. Their surface could be smoother, and you will feel raised lines. Their durability is questioned as their lines get damaged due to scratches.



Both of these pins are undoubtedly stellar. However, hard enamel pins are expensive, which can be a big hurdle for someone with a tight budget. On the flip side, soft enamel pins are ideal for budget-conscious people. Regardless of your type, you must prefer pins made of high-quality material. This guide features all their fundamental distinctions to help you decide wisely.

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